
Overview of Technology  

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications leveraging data, machines, equipment, and/or software. 

Technology feature video
What's it like to be a computer programmer?

Computer programmers to turn designs created by software developers and engineers into sets of instructions that computers follow, which result in word processing programs, social media platforms, browsers, and more that people use every day.

Get Career Ready for Technology

Find out what it takes to land a career in Technology

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Earn a Degree

To work in the field of Technology, it is recommended you have a strong background in computer science, software engineering, or data science. Check the Mason Catalog for degree requirements. 

Along with your degree, professional certifications like these may increase your employment options:

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Gain Experiences

Employers expect at least six to twelve months of related experience to be competitive for full-time positions. Gain experience while you are a student at Mason.




Here are the types of experiences most valued by Tech employers, and where to find them:



  • Academic projects: Ask your professors about research projects.
  • Capstone projects: Consult your academic advisor about capstones in your department.
  • Personal projects 


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Market Your Skills

It is important for you to be able to clearly communicate the knowledge, skills and experiences you have gained in and outside of the classroom. 


Below are top ways to showcase your qualifications to Tech employers: 


Online Portfolio 

A portfolio gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and experience in a visual format (e.g., code, database design). Here are a few resources where you can share your work: 

  • Github 
  • Your LinkedIn profile 
  • Your own website 

Technical Interviews 

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Career Ready

Career ready Mason grads have gone on to work for Tech employers, such as: 

Amazon Web Services



Booz Allen Hamilton



Capital One

Freddie Mac

Lockheed Martin


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Join the Technology community

Get involved with academic and professional societies to grow your network while you're still a student.